Baby Erstausstattung: Was brauche ich fürs Kinderzimmer?

Initial baby equipment: What do I need for the nursery?

Posted by Julia Senser on

I fondly remember the excitement of anticipation when I was pregnant with my first son. Even if a newborn doesn't actually need its own room at the beginning, setting up the baby's room is a big part of the anticipation and the nest-building instinct.

But what actually belongs to the initial equipment in the baby's room?

Of course, this is different in every situation and depends on the space available and your own preferences

Here are my must-haves for a beautiful and cozy baby room


A baby bed is the heart of the baby room. It should be stable and safe, ideally grow with you, and be equipped with a high-quality mattress. In the first few months, it is recommended that the baby sleeps in an extra bed in the parents' room. For many babies, the extra bed becomes too small around six months and only then do they move to a baby bed. Nevertheless, for most parents it is necessary to buy the baby bed as part of the initial equipment for the children's room.


A changing table makes changing and dressing the baby easier and prevents back pain. Some parents prefer to change their baby in the bathroom or in the parents' room and have a changing mat installed there. I had all the baby clothes in the drawers of the changing table and I find it convenient to change and dress the baby close to his clothes. I also think it's nice when the baby spends time in his own room and feels comfortable there. There should be enough space next to the changing mat to have all the necessary utensils at hand. There are changing tables where the changing attachment can be easily removed and which can be used as a chest of drawers after the diaper age.


A cozy corner with a play sofa makes the baby's room even more comfortable. It is a comfortable and safe environment for parents and babies to interact, play and learn. A play sofa is a soft and stable surface on which you can lie comfortably together or practice your baby's motor skills, for example for tummy time or with an activity toy.


A shelf offers storage space for toys and books. Since shelves are open compared to chests of drawers, you can arrange toys, books and a few other decorative elements beautifully and make the room more comfortable.


A night light provides gentle lighting and is less disturbing to the baby when changing at night than when you have to turn on the often bright ceiling lights


A rug gives the child's room extra warmth. The baby doesn't use the floor at first, but getting up at night to feed or change is much more pleasant if the baby's bare feet are on a warm and cozy carpet.

Don't forget to think about little things like curtains, pictures or wall tattoos to make the room more cozy and personal.

Of course, there are many more things you can add later, but hopefully this list will help you as a starting point.

You think, what about a wardrobe?

I didn't need a wardrobe for my children for the first two years. Maybe it's different if you have a baby girl and want to hang a lot of clothes, but for me the changing table was enough to store all of my baby's clothes. And so when changing diapers there was always a replacement immediately if something went wrong (again).

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